Standard PM Fiber

咨询热线:010-88866512  浏览: 2976

Fibercore’s Polarization Maintaining (PM) fibers are designed to give the highest levels of polarization maintenance for wavelengths from 488nm to greater than 1550nm. These fibers can be used in interferometric sensors, modulators, delay lines, spectroscopy and biomedical applications.
Fibercore use ‘Bow-Tie’ Stress Applying Parts (SAPs) to create birefringence in the core. The design of these highly efficient SAPs generate very high birefringence without excessive stress, allowing polarization orientation to be controlled effectively across a fiber system.

‘Bow Tie’ PM Fiber

The core is flanked by areas of high expansion, boron-doped glass, which shrink back more than the surrounding silica. Tension caused induces birefringence (creating two different indices of refraction: a higher index parallel and a lower index perpendicular to the applied stress).
Fibercore’s ‘Bow-Tie’ design is capable of creating more birefringence than any other stressed design. This is simply because it is based on two opposing wedges, the most simple and efficient means of applying stress to a point.


• Highly birefringent
• Short beat-length
• Strong Polarization Extinction Ratio (PER) maintaining
• Broad wavelength ranges


Typical applications:
• Interferometric sensors

• Diode pigtails
• Coherent beam delivery

• Modulators
• Delay lines
• Spectroscopy

• Biomedical


Product Variants:
• HB450 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 450nm
• HB600 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 600nm
• HB750 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 750nm
• HB800 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 800nm
• HB1000 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 1020nm
• HB1250 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 1270nm
• HB1500 PM Fiber for wavelengths above 1520nm


版权所有:北京路源光科技有限公司  ICP案号:京ICP备12038764
地址:北京市海淀区远大路39号1号楼青清商厦5层504室。   邮编:100097  电话:010-88866512