
咨询热线:010-88866512  浏览: 3112

Other Doped Fibers

  • Core pumped designs
  • Emission at 1060, 1085 and 1550nm
  • Splice compatible with fused taper couplers
  • Low pump threshold designs

Typical Applications:

  • Fiber lasers
  • Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) light source
  • Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
  • Cable Television (CATV)
  • Educational kits

Product  list

DF1000 Low power 1085nm laser fiber

DF1100 Core pumped low power 1060nm laser fiber

DF1500Y Core pumped ErYb low power 1550nm laser fiber


版权所有:北京路源光科技有限公司  ICP案号:京ICP备12038764
地址:北京市海淀区远大路39号1号楼青清商厦5层504室。   邮编:100097  电话:010-88866512