NIR-MX800-LN-20 800nm 20G 强度调制器

咨询热线:010-88866512  浏览: 5985

800 nm band 20 GHz Intensity Modulator

The NIR-MX800-LN series are high bandwidth intensity modulators especially designed for operation in the 800 nm wavelength band.

This Mach-Zehnder modulator offers engineers working at 800 nm the intrinsic and unparalleled benefits of LiNb03external modulation : high bandwidth , high contrast, ease of use. Thanks to Photline Technologies proprietary waveguide process, the NIR-MX800 exhibits a stable behaviour and supports several tens mW of input optical power.


· 100 GbE 850 nm

· Short pulse generation – Pulse picking - Pulse shaping

· Carrier suppression

· Quantum optics


版权所有:北京路源光科技有限公司  ICP案号:京ICP备12038764
地址:北京市海淀区远大路39号1号楼青清商厦5层504室。   邮编:100097  电话:010-88866512